What is the particle size on a nail file and what does it mean?

What is the particle size on a nail file and what does it mean?

I’m sure you’ve seen numbers on almost every file on the market. But what do they mean? How should we choose? Don’t panic, the nail supply expert Maryton will explain everything to you. Just keep reading! As a matter of fact, the numbers refer to the thickness of the grain on the surface of the nail file, or more accurately the size of each grain, as the number indicates how many grains of sand occupy a square inch. The smaller the grains of sand, the more there are per square inch and the higher or smoother the grain. If the two numbers are…

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Some tips for filing your nails properly

Some tips for filing your nails properly

If there is one accessory that every woman has, it is a nail file! But, how to file your nails perfectly without damage your nails? In this article, the nail supply expert Maryton will give you some tips for filing your nails properly. Keep reading! First, wash your hands with soap to remove all traces of impurities, on and under your fingernails. Dry them well. Then, remember to hold your file perpendicular to the nail, to avoid thinning the nail layer and weakening it. Then, be careful to only file in one direction, above all, don’t go back and forth, which risks damaging…

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What are the popular nail shapes?

What are the popular nail shapes?

Generally speaking, your nails have a natural shape that is largely genetic, and is usually round or square. Besides, the shape of your cuticle and nail bed also determines the natural shape of your nail. Today, the nail supply expert Maryton will tell you some popular nail shapes. Below are several popular nail shapes: Almond: Almond nails look like almonds, with tapered sides that meet in a rounded top. Round: Round nails resemble the end of the fingernail and are a common natural shape. In general, the sides are filed in a straight line and end in a semicircular point. Square: Square nails are flat on…

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How important is the shape of the file?

How important is the shape of the file?

The shape of your nail file has different functions related to the type of filing you are doing. Today, the nail supply expert Maryton will tell you how important is the shape of the file. Just keep reading! Here are the shapes of the file: Straight: A straight nail file is good for straightening the side walls and the tip of the nail, to achieve a thin looking nail extension. Oval: The oval shape has rounded sides on both sides and is ideal for the lower area of the nail, around the cuticle. In addition, it is a wider nail file, which therefore files a…

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