Hand massage after manicure

The best final touch of a well-done manicure is to perform a massage that, in addition to leaving the skin hydrated, creates a feeling of well-being for the client.

Please follow the following steps:

1. Pre-check

First, start with the nails. Make sure the polish is completely dry before you begin. In the case of semi-permanent varnishes, drying is very fast using UV lamp.

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2. Nail oil

Use the brush to apply a little nail oil on the cuticle and under the nail. These oils help strengthen the nail and usually have a pleasant smell.

3. Distribute the oil

On one finger, distribute the oil over the entire cuticle, drawing circles. Repeat on all fingers.

4. Add moisturizer

Now add a dollop of moisturizing hand cream to the client’s hand.

5. Massage the fingers

Start by massaging the back of the hand vertically. Use thumb and forefinger to massage and apply light pressure between fingers.

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6. Palm of the hand

Massage the palm of the hand in circular movements, from the center outwards, move your thumb in the opposite direction.

7. Finish the massage

From the elbow, massage the inner part of the forearm in circular motions. Finish the massage with the palm of your hand.

We hope you liked this article and that it will inspire you for future. In addition to these, I advise you to invest in a complete manicure set to care for your nail in daily life.



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