How do I treat my brittle nails?

Do your nails often break? Aggressive or too frequent manicure treatments, housework with excessively dosed detergents… There are many factors responsible for the alteration of our nails. Sometimes their fragility is due to a deficiency in iron, calcium or vitamins D, C or H. Here are the tips to find beautiful and strong nails.

How do I make my nails stronger?

  • In institute. Maybe go see a pro. We try a manicure in the institute. There, we do not push back the cuticles violently and we do not use varnish soaked in formalin. We ask the pro to do the job with our favorite treatments.
  • At home. Massage your nails with treatments containing vitamins and/or essential fatty acids. Treatments to be integrated into your beauty routine, but essential when you take treatment against cholesterol.
Disposable Individually Packed Nail Manicure Sets

How to take care of your nails on a daily basis?

This requires regular maintenance. We spare them by preventing the dangers. For cleaning, we do not forget the gloves which form a real shield against detergents. We ask your doctor for a ferritin assay to detect a possible iron deficiency which, as soon as it is corrected, no longer destroys the nails.

OK! Now that you have known how to treat your brittle nails, bring your manicure kit and start your manicure trip quickly! It doesn’t matter if you don’t have nail tools. We have everything all you need in Maryton nail supply.

Read also: A peel off base for nails, what is it for?


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